BMW prototüübid ja ideeautod minevikust

Erinevad BMW mudelid
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Postitusi: 4149
Liitunud: 08.09.2006 11:56 42
Peamine sõiduk: E36>E46>E93>F30>Audi>G20

Postitus Postitas Zipp »

aitäh Priit :) mis aastast see pärit on huvitav?
kui keegi leiab siis veel paluks.
On the 8th day, God created boost.
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Postitus Postitas priitv8 »

Zipp kirjutas:mis aastast see pärit on huvitav?
Pildid avaldati 1998 (E46 turuletuleku aasta). Arvestades, et arendustsükkel võtab ka oma aja, siis võivad need pildid ise pärineda kuskilt '90-te algusest.

Kuskilt olen saanud ka sellised Z1 sketšid:
540iX 240kW/450Nm, aga ikka pooled silindrid puudu!
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Postitusi: 4149
Liitunud: 08.09.2006 11:56 42
Peamine sõiduk: E36>E46>E93>F30>Audi>G20

Postitus Postitas Zipp »

The next M3 based on the E46 body will very likely be introduced in late spring 1999, serial production and sales will start in the year 2000. Rumors stating that the E46 M3 will use a detuned version of the new M division V8 of the M5 and not a 6-cylinder were not confirmed. Instead the BMW M GmbH already confirmed that the next M3 will have an inline-6 as well.

The following are spy photos of the E46 coupe, which can be found on the Internet presented as spy photos of the M3. However, I am not sure if all pictures really feature M division test cars carrying M engines and technology. I think most of them simply show prototypes, i.e. pre-production or test models of the upcoming standard E46 coupe.

Press Quotes

The following are quotes taken from an article about future BMW 3-series models in the 13/98 (June 13th) issue of German magazine "Auto Zeitung":

"The look of the 3rd generation M3 will be mainly similar to the elements of the new M5... [...] ...The new M3 will stick with the Inline-6-Cylinder. The displacement ... grows to 3.4 liters. [...] ...improved max. power output (about 350 hp) and torque (370 Nm). [...] The second generation of the sequential M gearbox (SMG) will be very different to the current model. It will no longer be controlled by a conventional stick, but by buttons at the steering wheel. [...] The M3 starts as a coupe. A 4-door sedan - according to the current information - will not be available anymore, since it's part in the total sales was under 10 percent. Instead BMW is thinking about an M3 Touring. Definitely built will be the M3 convertible, expected for spring 2001."


Auto Bild" Article about the next M3
The Car Magazine "Auto Bild" is one of the first German magazines to show semi-official pictures and info of the new M3.


Quotes from the Article

The following quotes are taken from an article about the upcoming 2001 BMW M3 in the 21/1999 issue of German magazine "Auto Bild" from May 28th 1999:

"Successors have to offer more - more of everything. They have to be bigger, more powerful, better. How else should the customers be convinced to buy a new car? While these tasks are quite easy to solve with bread-and-butter cars, the developers face tremendous difficulties if they have to deal with a thouroughbred like the BMW M3. When in later summer 2000 the new M3 arrives, a hard piece of work lays behind the M-Team around development supervisor Gerd Richter. [...] A front spoiler with mighty intakes, a rear bumper in M5-style with four exhaust pipes, as well as 3 centimeter widened fenders to fit the 18-inch wheels (front 8J with 235/40-tires, rear 9J with 275/35 tires) are the visible differences to the standard Coupe. [...] The most significant problem in the development of the M3 was the engine. The 3.2 Liter with 321 hp is pretty much at the top of it's capacity. ... But the new M3 needs more power, first because of the reasons mentioned above, second because the car's weight increased, and third to not let the gap to the 400 hp M5 become to big. As an alternative, the M-Developers thought about creating a new V8, a small brother of the M5. The considered parameters: 4.0 Liter displacement, 350 hp with the option for more. But when calculating the cost, the idea with the V8 disappeared faster than an M3 accelerates. About 150.000 German Marks the Super-M3 would need to cost. 10.000 Marks more than an M5. Estimated world wide sales: about 20 cars per year. Conclusion: A new M3 with the old engine - or none at all. ... The engine is extended to 3.4 Liters. The output grows to 340 hp, the maximum to torque 370 Nm. [...] The performance is on the level of the M5. Acceleration 0-100 kph in about 5 seconds, the top speed remains being electronically limited at 250 kph. ... When the delivery of the M3 starts in late summer 2000, the price is supposed to be "just under 100.000 German Marks", so about 99.999 ... "
On the 8th day, God created boost.
Postitusi: 696
Liitunud: 03.10.2007 00:52 25

Postitus Postitas KnX »

E3 Coupe

E: Veel E3:

Armatuuri visandid

Ja lõpptulemus
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Postitusi: 8349
Liitunud: 04.02.2004 10:59 34
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Postitus Postitas priitv8 »

Siin väike film ideeauto- ja tulevase seeriamudeli kallal töötamisest: ... _cars.html
540iX 240kW/450Nm, aga ikka pooled silindrid puudu!
Postitusi: 696
Liitunud: 03.10.2007 00:52 25

Re: BMW prototüübid ja ideeautod minevikust

Postitus Postitas KnX »


Viimati muutis KnX, 05.02.2010 22:17 18, muudetud 3 korda kokku.
Postitusi: 696
Liitunud: 03.10.2007 00:52 25

Re: BMW prototüübid ja ideeautod minevikust

Postitus Postitas KnX »

M50B30 ja nelivedu :cool:
Viimati muutis KnX, 05.02.2010 22:26 13, muudetud 3 korda kokku.
Postitusi: 696
Liitunud: 03.10.2007 00:52 25

Re: BMW prototüübid ja ideeautod minevikust

Postitus Postitas KnX »

Z1 kombi (makett)
Meenutab kangesti Z3 couped, ninas võib aimata E38.
Peale nende ei läinud tootmisse veel M3 Touring ja S38 M3 - "See auto on lihtsalt liiga võimas" :D
Viimati muutis KnX, 05.02.2010 22:25 35, muudetud 1 kord kokku.
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Re: BMW prototüübid ja ideeautod minevikust

Postitus Postitas Henri. »

BMW celebrates 25 years of technik with a Super-Gallery of Funk

Päris palju hea resoga pilte ülaltoodud lingil, isiklikult polnud näiteks sellist asja varem näinudki, et ka ideeauto puhul erinevaid velgi esi- ja tagateljel kasutatakse:

Postitusi: 381
Liitunud: 08.12.2007 14:02 39
Asukoht: Harjumaa

Re: BMW prototüübid ja ideeautod minevikust

Postitus Postitas Mr.Black »

Corvette`i ja Focuse ristand- kole, väga kole :cry:
Kogenud fordimees võtab poodi vana jupi kaasa!
Mess with the best and u die like the rest...:)
Postitusi: 696
Liitunud: 03.10.2007 00:52 25

Re: BMW prototüübid ja ideeautod minevikust

Postitus Postitas KnX »

E34 varajased visandid 1982. a. Esimesega on minu arust päris hästi ette nähtud e38/e39 välimust.
Postitusi: 20
Liitunud: 26.05.2008 11:42 00
Asukoht: Saaremaa.

Re: M8

Postitus Postitas aadi »

kapa kirjutas:M8 mootor peaks olema identne maclaren F1 mootoriga.

Wiki väidab vastupidist.
Originally envisioned as a Ferrari competitor, only a single prototype BMW M8 was ever produced, equipped with a special 550 bhp (410 kW; 558 PS) version of the S70 engine, essentially a bored out version of the M70 with experimental multi-valve cylinder heads. A common misconception is that this engine powered the McLaren F1. However, when this was suggested to McLaren's designer Gordon Murray, the idea was rejected because the engine was too heavy and long for the McLaren F1. Rather, variations on the original S70 used on the 850csi, the S70/2 and S70/3 were used for the McLaren F1 (The variation used on the M8 prototype was the S70/1 engine)

Tootmisesse pole see jõudnud kuna BMW arvates pole sellisele autole turgu. BMW M-Division oli algusest peale M8 arendamise vastu ja väidetavalt pole prototüüp isegi tänavalegaalne(liiga ohtlik vms.) Tea mis asja hinnaks kujunes siis et arendus peatati.....?
---E39 528i---