E39 kojameeste mootor (lahti võtmine)

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Postitusi: 252
Liitunud: 16.09.2011 12:19 20

E39 kojameeste mootor (lahti võtmine)

Postitus Postitas ringo34 »

Võtsin masinal terve kojasmeeste mehhanismi maha, määrin munakad üle ja hooldan ka mootori ära.
Tuhlasin ka netis ringi, aga ei leidnud mingit asjalikku õpetust, kuidas mootor laiali kiskuda. Rootori sain nähtavale, aga mida lahti ei saa, on see hammasrataste korpus.
Leidsin, et korpusel on külje peal väike auk, millesse on tehase poolt keeratud sisse plastkruvi ja liimiga kinni. Kas keegi on mootori selle osa laiali võtnud, kas see kruvi takistabki korpuse täielikku avamist?

Leidsin ka midagi sellist, aga ega ma punkt 2.-3. nüüd 100% aru ka ei saa:
"1. Remove the motor. I'd disconnect the power connector going to
it first (it will try to park otherwise if you accidently rotate it,
perhaps taking a finger or two with it). On my 535 - it's behind
the cowling for the fresh-air intake for the heater - don't have
a clue where for a 3er.. remove the nut (and washer) holding the
linkage to the motor, try to prevent it from turning while
you remove it. The arm connecting to it is splined, but removes
fairly easily (a good tug). Remove nuts/bolts holding motor in
vehicle. Walk it to your workbench.

2. Disassemble: The contact you want are behind the light aluminum
plate that covers the big gear (this will be fairly obvious).. on
mine, the plate was held on with mashed over aluminum studs. Right
next to these studs were holes through the plate and corresponding
holes into the housing.. sorta looked like these could be tapped to
take a few screws for reassembly (CLUE!).

3. Repair it: Drill off the mashed over aluminum heads of the studs (1/4"
bit works fine). The cover should remove easily. You'll find lots of nice
brownish grease. Clean the contacts (attached to the cover) and the face of
the gear where the metal segment is). Regrease lightly with a white lithium
grease (at least that's what I used)..very lightly!

While apart - tap the holes in the aluminum housing - I *think* I
used 4-40 American (looked about right, and I had the tap and some
short 4-40 screws, but it might have been 2-56). Try to keep tap
filings out of the housing (grease on the tap helps a lot).

4. Reassemble: Put the cover back like you found it and screw it back
together. Reinstall motor in car. Align the motor by starting it once
WITHOUT the wiper arm attached and letting it go to the park position. Once
it's aligned, refasten the wiper arm in the correct parked position (try NOT
to turn the motor while tightening the nut holding the arm)."
Postitusi: 252
Liitunud: 16.09.2011 12:19 20

Re: E39 kojameeste mootor (lahti võtmine)

Postitus Postitas ringo34 »

Pilt ka sellest august. Seal põhjas ongi see plastkruvi koos liimiga. Nagu näha, siis kaas on paar mm avanenud, aga edasi ei saa - miski takistab.

Hetkel pole drelli linnas ja ei hakanud puurima: Pilt
Postitusi: 252
Liitunud: 16.09.2011 12:19 20

Re: E39 kojameeste mootor (lahti võtmine)

Postitus Postitas ringo34 »

Sain mootori lahti. Piisas vaid sellest, kui tõmmitsaga väike hoob, mis mootori ülekande otsas, maha võtta. Alguses arvasin, et see ei sega, aga siiski. Ülekanne oli seest ideaalses seisukorras, isegi määre veel jummala selge. Lisasin natuke uut määret ja võlli otsas määrisin ka ära.

Pilt, millel see auk näha on, sealt tegelikult määrde lisamine käibki. Siis ei pea kogu ülekannet lahti võtma. Piisab kui see plastkruvi eest keerata.