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E34-kas koonusfilter teeb halba või head?

Postitatud: 24.11.2006 22:58 54
Postitas t2g
tagu 2 liitrise doch-iga (110kw)
paigaldasin koonusfiltri ilusti nii,et õhulugeja jäi nii nagu peab ja isegi veeringe ots mis peakspaneeli sisse minema sai koonuse sisse sokutatud.
paljud räägivad ,et koonusfilter pidi olema bmw peal laastav aga paljud jälle ,et pole.
kuidas siis tegelikult on???

Postitatud: 25.11.2006 00:29 53
Postitas joh
eks ta on suht-koht mõttetu vabalthingava mootori puhul.. ehk isegi vähendab kw..

Postitatud: 25.11.2006 00:49 26
Postitas sips
First, conclusive tests from independent labs show that K&N filters, no matter how well-oiled and cleaned, let through huge amounts of large particulate that damages engines.

• Second, an open element filter like that sucks in hot underhood air and subjects the filter to "fan wash", the swirl that creates a vacuum effect. On the E36 M3, we measure a 15hp loss from open cone filters.

The E34 air box is well designed and isn't restrictive. It shields the filter well against the warm air of the engine. :idea:

Postitatud: 25.11.2006 08:39 20
Postitas truumu
First, conclusive tests from independent labs show that K&N filters, no matter how well-oiled and cleaned, let through huge amounts of large particulate that damages engines.
Lisaks veel see, et need suured osakesed kulutavad ka õhulugeja traate

Postitatud: 08.07.2008 15:32 27
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