E60 side window anti trap-function!

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Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 62
Liitunud: 12.01.2005 22:36 39

E60 side window anti trap-function!

Postitus Postitas drxl »

mis võib põhjustada viga.viskab iga kord akna kujutise ja sellise kirja.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4371
Liitunud: 26.07.2007 10:10 36
Telefon: 51949859
Asukoht: BMW diagnostika Haapsalus

Re: E60 side window anti trap-function!

Postitus Postitas PeeterA »

Proovi seda, täpsemalt tagauste akende juures:

Kood: Vali kõik

So that the anti-trapping protection functions reliably, an initialisation must be run the first time it is used and after all repair work on the power windows! In contrast to the front power windows, a special procedure is required here.

The initialisation is divided into the functions:

Recording the mechanical end stops of the power window

Learning the characteristic curve
Recording the mechanical closing forces of the power window

The initialisation must always by run with the power window switch on each door.

The following procedure must be used:

Press the power-window switch towards 'open'. When the side window has reached the lower limit position, operate the switch for at least 15 seconds but not longer than 25 seconds.

Then let go of the power-window switch and immediately pull the switch beyond the 'close' direction. Do not let go of the switch!

The side window moves to the upper limit position and is then fully opened and closed. During the entire operation, the switch must be pulled beyond the 'Close' direction.

Once the window has fully closed, the initialisation is complete.

tel. 51 949 859
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 62
Liitunud: 12.01.2005 22:36 39

Re: E60 side window anti trap-function!

Postitus Postitas drxl »

käisin proovimas ja tundub et õhe tagumise aknaga ongi mingi jama.tuleb ühe nõksu alla ja rohekem ei miskit.nagu midagi takistaks,homme võtan polstri maha.vaatan üle asja ja teen diagnostika.